FAREWELL EPISODE!!!After 3.5 years and 228 episodes with Josh Wiese, the Sponsored Rider Club Podcast is coming to an end. Tune in for some reflections on the past and a...
Your guide to motorsports sponsorship
Latest pods
Finally! It is time for ME to answer the question I have been CONSTANTLY asking the guests on the show... If I could sponsor anyone in the world, who would I choose and...
In his 4th guest appearance on the show, Jeff Vanasdal is back to talk about his latest adventures and how you should be thinking about lead generation. We also discuss...
In past episodes, we have discussed the surge in iRacing and eSports, and urged you to consider getting into the mix given the current pandemic. Not everyone is ready...
In Part 3 of the Sorensen Series, 8 yr. old racer Camren Sorensen of Sorensen Motorsports joins us to talk about the crazy things he does in youth motorsports. He also...
In Part 2 of the Sorensen series, Amanda Sorensen of Sorensen Motorsports joins us to discuss multiple facets of motorsports marketing. We chat about managing sponsors...